31 Jan 2021 Sunday Morning Service

January 31, 2021
Passage: Micah 6: 8
Service Type:

Worship | Message

Bible Passages: Micah 6: 8

What does God expect from the Church?

    • Do justly
    • Love mercy
    • Walk humbly with God.

This is the character of God. We cannot be just with our flesh. Because flesh has the character of expectation, envying, killing, etc. Hence, carnal nature should be removed.

As per James 4:17, If we know to do good and still do not do it, then it is sin.

The nature of Jesus was to minister to this world knowing the world will crucify Him. (Acts. 10: 38)

Therefore, to have the nature of Jesus we must have the above 3 things.

To exhibit these 3 characters, we need to be (Mat. 5: 10 to 12),

    • Poor in spirit – theirs is the Kingdom of God. (Mat. 5: 3). Those who walk in Spirit shall not do the deeds of the flesh (Gal. 5: 16,17)
    • Meek – they will inherit the earth. (Mat. 5: 5). Be humble and turn away from evil ways (II Chr. 7: 14)
    • Pure in heart – they will see God. (Mat. 5: 8)
    • Peacemakers – they will be called as the children of God. (Mat. 5: 9)
    • Persecuted for the righteousness and revile you, all manner of evil against you - theirs is the Kingdom of God. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.

Do good and after God test you, He will come and decent upon you.

We have to be tested, tried and should come out as refined gold.

Willingly take up the cross. Because Jesus willingly took up the cross for your sake.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Great is your reward in heaven.