07 Feb 2021 Sunday Morning Service

February 7, 2021
Passage: Matthew 25: 1 - 13
Service Type:

Worship | Message

Bible Passages: Matthew 25: 1 - 13 -> 10 Virgins

  • 5 wise virgins
    • Were able to see Jesus
    • Finished their race in Christ. 
    • Trimmed their light
    • Lived a perfect life
    •  Were Overcomers
  • 5 foolish virgins


  • The two group of virgins slept, but wise virgins able to hear the cry of the bridegroom is coming they arose trimmed the lamp & went to meet to the Lord. 
  • Foolish virgins begging even in the last moment. Not realizing His coming.
  • Raven, Widow at Zarephath fed God's Servants. He will raise up people to meet your needs. If you are His dove, living in the cleft of the rock, Almighty God will feed you.

How did the wise virgins prepared themselves?

  • By sitting under His shadow with great delight (SoS 2: 3)
    • Peacefully sitting at the feet of Jesus not worrying about the things of this world.
    • Grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus (2Pet. 3: 18)
    • Here, lamp refers to salvation and grace.
    • Oil refers to anointing of the Holy Spirit which will help us growing in the knowledge of our Lord. Getting to know more about the bridegroom to whom we are espoused. So that we will please Him and do His will.
  • His fruits sweet to taste (SoS 2: 3)
    • Here, fruits refer to Word of God. His words should always be tasteful for us. We should delight in His Words.
  • Should be like a dove (SoS 2: 14)
    • Bridegroom should be able to call us His Dove
    • A dove has a teary eye which symbolises praying with tears.
    • It lives in the clefts of the rock - living with Jesus who is the rock.
      • No dirt, no pollution. There He will give us pure food and water.
      • No touch with the world but living with Jesus.
      • Living hidden in Jesus - people should be able to see only the mountain (Jesus) and not you. Character of Jesus should be revealed.
  • Desire to see His countenance and hear His voice. (SoS. 2: 14)
    • Belonging to Jesus alone.
    • Going to His presence every day and let Him hear our voice to grow close to Him.
    • Bride says I am Black yet comely. Outward appearance might not be appealing but inward beauty is what matters.
    • Grow close to Him. He should say, your voice is sweet to Me because there is no guile in you and your life is holy.
    • Jesus was delighted when Mary sat at His feet and listened to His words. True there was lot of work at home but Mary chose the right path.
  • Seeking beloved in the night-time (SoS 3: 1)
    • “I sought Him, but I found Him not” - Spiritual tiredness
    • When she realizes this, she no longer continues to sleep. She fights to find Him and feel his nearness.
  • Going to all Broadways, streets to seek Him. (SoS 3: 3, 4)
    • Not minding the problems we face. We should not leave him until we take Him back home.
    • Always clinging to Him and experiencing the nearness of Jesus each and everyday.
    • Watchmen - Servants of God. Seek their help when needed.
  • My soul failed when He spoke (SoS. 5: 5, 6)
    • Spiritual tiredness when we dont like what He says.
    • Lose His presence - I sought him, I was not able to find him.
    • Let not your heart faint to hear the voice of Jesus. May the Spirit of God wants to teach you something you do not like. Surrender to do His will/liking.
    • Satan removes the garment of salvation  (SoS. 5: 7) and she was also smitten.
    • She is sick of the love for the bridegroom (SoS. 5: 8
      •  charging daughters of Jerusalem - praying with the fellowship asking/seeking prayer help when we are spiritually tired.
        • Asking for intercession
        • True I was smitten and my garments were taken away, but tell my Jesus that I am sick of His love.
  • 10 days tribulations (Rev. 2: 10), be faithful to the end. Do not worry about the 10 days of captivity. 

Who are these people? (Rev. 7: 14)

  • They have come out of great tribulations. They are overcomes, were tormented by devil. But they stood firm. Not perturbed by the problems. They are washed by the blood of Jesus of Christ.
  • Stand firm your problem is going to cease soon.