Day 1 (15.01.2023) - Worship | Message Day 2 (16.01.2023) - Worship | Message | Anointing Day 3 (17.01.2023) - Worship
Worship | Message Isaiah 43:1,2 Whoever God called by their name , He led them in a miraculous way. Ephesians 2:5 : I can do all things through Christ who…
Day 1 (13.01.2023) - Session 1 - Worship | Message Day 2 (14.01.2023) - Session 1 - Worship | Message Day 2 (14.01.2023) - Session 2 - Worship | Message Day 3 (15.01.2023) - Session 1…
Worship | Message Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Fear…
Worship | Message I will Lead You Jeremiah 31:9 Judges 10:5 Isaiah 43:19 Isaiah 48:17 Genesis 21:14-20 Psalm 80:1 I will cause them to walk Leviticus 26:13 Isaiah 63:13 Hosea…